(Trying to be a) Fit Mama

I had a mini-win at PT today. I've been doing PT weekly-ish since July this year. I'm not a gym person and if it hadn't been for my friend recently finishing her training to become a PT, I probably wouldn't have tried it. I'm a bit tight with money and I don't like the idea of paying someone to do what you (should) be able to do at home! Well, I never did any exercise at home and the situation was getting bad. In an attempt to curb my anxiety/depression as well as actually use my private health insurance, I began to see my amazing friend and PT once a week. I justified the cost with the private health insurance rebates and also supporting a woman who has been through so much and sets an incredible example of fitness and health. To see her story, you'll need to check out Better Yourself Personal Training on Facebook. It's inspirational, trust me. So, there I have been: weak, tired, anxious with occasional bouts of depression. I know that I d...