Even an online site read just by your relatives is threatened

This is truly terrifying.

This report came out today and is the result of the 'media enquiry' commissioned by the Gillard government.

Do NOT switch off, and please don't be complacent. Your freedom to have your opinion and express it is under attack from the recommendations. An online website need only around 40 hits a day to be subject to oversight by a government body.

I'm super passionate about free speech and it's becoming harder and harder to speak up for truth with so many people assuming that because you disagree with them you have offended them or you must hate them. It's just simply not the case. And for these recommendations to be even considered here in Australia is truly, truly frightening.

So please check out Andrew Bolt's take on it. There are links there to other websites on it, too.

Even an online site read just by your relatives is threatened


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