Meeting Obstetricians........
I met my obstetrician today. I don't usually like meeting obstetricians. To me, they are scary because they have lots of letters after their names which means that they know a heck of a lot more about the medical process my body goes through during the labour process than I do. They represent hospital rules like, "We'll book you in for an induction when you're ten days overdue." or "You're best to stay in hospital for another night.". They're often impersonal and have very few social skills (like introducing themselves when you meet them for an appointment or eye contact when you ask a question). I know they're just people, but I've had some less-than-pleasant experiences with them as well as admittedly, some pretty good ones. So, the word I have from the midwives at TBH is that now that this is my fifth pregnancy, I am considered 'high risk'. This is because of an increased risk of post-partum haemorrage (PPH). So that means ...