Yelling, Children and Chook Pens latest news is that I've started a 'no yelling' promise with myself. Yeah. I know. How long will it take me to get back to where I was (a feral, out-of-control cranky unpleasanty person)? I don't know. But I do know that I'm tired of behaving so badly in front of my children. It's so sobering when I see them get cranky with their sibling in exactly the same way I do. So, on Tuesday - I got sick of me yelling and decided enough was enough. No yelling to get them to school on time. I walked up to their rooms if I needed them, spoke clearly and made them look at my face when I told them something. It worked really well! My blood pressure was lower, I reckon! I had to talk myself down a few times. I raised my voice a couple of times, but I still didn't resort to full on spit-flying ranting. Since then, I've only slipped up once. Joseph was told to put the compost for the chooks through the cage and DO NOT OPEN THE CAGE DOOR. So, h...