My Two-Year-Old Treasure
My Joseph is a delightful boy. He was by far the hardest baby.....but what made it so bearable when he was a baby who woke up multiple times a night for a year was that he had such a beautiful personality . During the day time, I'd forget about the grinding fatigue and how I just wanted to scream at 3am when he woke up for no reason. He's just a caring and gentle little person. He's at that gorgeous stage now where he's walking proficiently, but it's still a bit of a toddle. He LOVES holding my hand and while he speaks sentences, it's still a bit of baby talk. Reflecting on what I love about Joseph, reminds me of when Matthew was two and how much I loved that, too. He was a serious little man who would play for hours on his own and had a peaceful, serene countenance whilst still being playful at times. He was a true blue home body and was happiest when at home, whether inside examining his toys (he never 'played' as such) or outside throwin...